Motivation Stack
Neurofuel and dopamine bottles

Motivation Stack

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Boost your mental drive with incredible focus and attention.*

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Motivation Stack

Motivation Stack

Rated 4.6 out of 5
Based on 7 reviews
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Motivation Stack Benefits

light bulb

Boosts Motivation and Focus*

NEUROFUEL™ Nootropic is rich in the amino acid, L-Phenylalanine, to support increased production of the “motivation molecule” dopamine.*

Protects The Brain*

Provides a multi-ingredient approach for improved cognitive function, memory and healthy neurons over the long-term.*

Improves Memory*

Lengthens the presence of cAMP in brain cells to help “cement” information into longer-term memory.*
neurofuel flat lay

NEUROFUEL™ Nootropic

NEUROFUEL™ Nootropic is the original CILTEP® formula for enhanced focus, deep concentration and improved memory.

person with dopamine


Use DOPAMINE BRAIN FOOD™ to boost your mental drive with incredible focus and attention, reduced brain fog, and mental clarity.*

Synergistic Ingredients

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Research has shown that Acetyl-L-Carnitine may reduce mental and physical fatigue*.

Artichoke Leaf Extract

Artichoke Extract (Cynara scolymus) is an extract from the bulb of the artichoke vegetable.

Coleus forskohlii

Widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.


L-Phenylalanine is present in many foods (such as meat and dairy).

Vitamin B6

Contains important antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage during the production and metabolism of dopamine.*

B12 - Methylcobalamin

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the maintenance of normal, healthy cognitive function and memory recall through one’s lifespan.*


Folate contributes to the normal, healthy functioning of our brains.*


Commonly found in beets, spinach and shellfish, TMG or trimethylglycine is also known as Betaine.


L-Tyrosine is converted into L-Dopa, the direct precursor to dopamine.*

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a neuroprotective antioxidant.*

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an immediate byproduct of metabolism that combines with CoA supplied by Vitamin B5 to produce Acetyl-CoA and Carnitine. At this stage in the process, this newly created Acetyl molecule is then able to join the Acetyl group of the acetylcholine molecule. Research has shown that Acetyl-L-Carnitine may also reduce mental and physical fatigue*.

Artichoke Leaf Extract

Artichoke extract contains Luteolin, a natural inhibitor of PDE4. PDE4 is an enzyme that breaks down cAMP molecules, messenger systems that relay signals in the brain. Studies have correlated lower levels of the enzyme PDE4 to significant increases in normal mental performance, including increased cognition, improved long term memory, increased wakefulness, and neuroprotection.

Coleus forskohlii

Forskolin is derived from the plant Coleus forskohlii which has been widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It has also has been extensively studied due to it’s ability to increase levels of intracellular cAMP molecules. Combined with Luteolin from Artichoke Extract, forskolin is theorized to synergistically increase the duration of cAMP in neurons.


L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine are amino acid precursors to dopamine - both must be present in order for dopamine to be synthesized. L-Phenylalanine is present in many foods (such as meat and dairy), and is converted into L-Tyrosine in the body. In turn, L-Tyrosine is converted into L-Dopa, the direct precursor to dopamine.*

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps convert L-Dopa into dopamine and Vitamin C helps convert dopamine into norepinephrine (increasing alertness and attention).* Each of these also have important antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage during the production and metabolism of dopamine.*

B12 - Methylcobalamin

Vitamin B12 supports healthy nerves and neural cell function.* A 2006 review of the roles of folate and Vitamin B12 and their impact on the nervous system highlighted the importance of adequate B12 levels for healthy neuronal function.* The same 2013 study mentioned above shows that Vitamin B12 is crucial for the maintenance of normal, healthy cognitive function and memory recall through one’s lifespan.*


Folate, Vitamin B12 and trimethylglycine are added to Dopamine Brain Food™ to lend support to the methylation process, and to aid in the generation of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-E).* SAM-E is an amino acid that also plays an important role in the methylation process by helping to convert norepinephrine to epinephrine for use in attention-based activities.*


Folate, Vitamin B12 and trimethylglycine are added to Dopamine Brain Food™ to lend support to the methylation process, and to aid in the generation of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-E).* SAM-E is an amino acid that also plays an important role in the methylation process by helping to convert norepinephrine to epinephrine for use in attention-based activities.*


L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine are amino acid precursors to dopamine - both must be present in order for dopamine to be synthesized. L-Phenylalanine is present in many foods (such as meat and dairy), and is converted into L-Tyrosine in the body. In turn, L-Tyrosine is converted into L-Dopa, the direct precursor to dopamine.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps convert dopamine into norepinephrine (increasing alertness and attention).* Each of these also have important antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage during the production and metabolism of dopamine.*

How To Use

How Many Servings In Each Bottle?

Neurofuel: 15 servings

Dopamine: 20 servings

How many capsules a day?

Neurofuel: 3 capsules/day as needed

Dopamine: 3 capsules/day as needed

Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare practitioner before use.

What To Expect

"This keeps me sharp. I am always pushing myself and I need mental sharpness. This gets rid of the brain fog I used to get. Not anymore!"

- Pam M.

"This stack helps to achieve mental performance as desired. Great."

- Mark W.

"These products have made me feel better. I have more energy then I used to. I also sleep better."

- Ashlie E.

Results You Can Feel. Lab Tests You Can See.

Natural Stacks “Open Source” transparency program provides ingredient traceability and 3rd party lab test results for every batch. It’s powered by blockchain technology and secured by HealthLoq™ on transparent, tamperproof, trusted data.

Learn More About Our Commitment to Transparency



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